It turned out to be a delicate lamp in the box. 他打开,是一盏精致的灯。
The message will be echoed in the dialog box below the "Send" button. 消息将回显在“Send”按钮下面的对话框中。
This link can be found in the About box components. 此链接可以在About框组件中找到。
This setting can be found in the action properties box. 该设置可以在动作属性框中找到。
The Linux Host Type has been chosen, and the Host port name should be entered in the final box. LinuxHostType已被选中,随后,主机端口名称也会被输入到最后的那个框内。
When you pick up a strawberry one, it may be the last one in the box. 当你拿到一块草莓味巧克力的时候,它也许就是盒子里最后的一块了。
The maximum number of days a message can remain in the sent items folder cannot equal zero, yet a number must be displayed in the days box. 传真可以在“已发送传真”文件夹中保留的最大天数不能等于零,并且“天的传真”文本框中必须显示一个数字。
After closure, continuity tendons would be provided in the bottom of the box. 合拢以后,箱梁底部布置有连续的预应力筋。
It is convenient to take because earphone can be restored orderly in the earphone box after finishing using. 使用完毕后,可以将耳机绕回耳机收藏盒即囊体内,其不再凌乱便于携带。
Money should be put in the offertory box. 献金应放进奉献箱里。
The file containing the icon must be added to the project in order for it to be available in the icon dialog box. 必须将包含图标的文件添加到项目中,才能在“图标”对话框中使用该图标。
Illegal objects that was forbidden in the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region can not be stored in the Sheung Moon Box. 常满储物箱不可存放一切跟据香港特别行政区法例定为非法之物件。
After this, the new backgrounds should be visible in the Background box in the Preset Options dialog of BrainWave Generator. 这以后,新的背景,应该是透明的背景框预设选项对话框脑波发生器。
Proof of this fact can be found in the colossal box office failures of some of the most technologically advanced movies that nevertheless lack entertainment value due to the lack of a good story. 有事实证明,技术上最先进的电影也会因为故事性差而缺乏娱乐价值以致于票房收入失败。
The property should then be listed in the application settings dialog box. 此属性随后应在“应用程序设置”对话框中列出。
Be there an apple in the box? 箱子里有苹果吗?
Concentration is vital and you need to be ruthless in the box and put your chances away. 专注是最重要的,你在禁区内不能慌乱。
The more I understand hope, the more I realize that all along it deserved to be in the box with the plagues, sorrow, and mischief; 对希望的了解越多,我就越能明白希望一直伴随着那些瘟疫、痛苦和灾难。
The "smartness" has to be not in the box but in the programming. 要让电视变得更“聪明”,不是在机顶盒里做些什么,而是需要通过程序来让它做到这一点。
In the Number of messages to be listed in the search box, click an appropriate number to let you remove all the messages at the same time. 在要在搜索中列出的邮件数框中单击一个合适的编号,以使您可以在同一时间删除所有邮件。
Important additional information can be entered in the free-text box, e.g.whether this component was replaced or repaired. 可以在自由文本框内输入其他重要信息,如此部件经过更换还是经过维修。
There must be some flowers in the box. 盒子里肯定有些鲜花。
Enter a date when the deliverable will be available in the start box. 在“开始时间”框中输入可交付结果可用的日期。
Broken glassware must be collected in the carton box, not any garbage can. 玻璃废弃物应收集于指定的纸箱内。
Important additional information that was not covered by the questions and answers can be entered in the free-text box. 可在自由文本框内输入问答部分未包含的其他重要信息。
The pointer, which looks like a blinking vertical line, will already be positioned in the first box that you need to type in. 指针(看上去像一个闪烁的垂直线)将会停在您要输入的第一个框里。
On the basis of bounding box detect, mesh should be wrapped in the box and be judged through interval overlap methods as to get contacted boxes. 根据层次树包围盒检测的思想,网格模型首先被OBB包围盒包住,然后逐层以间隔重叠测试方法进行判断,得到相交的包围盒;
More business, such as instant messaging, SNS service will be office in the set-top box. 更多的业务如即时通信、SNS服务等将会部署在机顶盒上。
The WTO allows grain production subsidies to be embodied in the green box policy and the yellow box policy, which have different requirements for members of grain production subsidies. 2. 世界贸易组织允许的粮食生产补贴主要体现在其绿箱政策和黄箱政策之中,它对成员粮食生产补贴有差别性要求。
When the program is designed, first choose SQL attributes in Dialog Box of Attributes in these groupwares, click the Button with suspension points, then can open the String List Editor dialog box, and then SQL clauses can be added in the Dialog Box. 设计程序时,在该组件的属性对话框中选择SQL属性,单击带省略号的按钮,就可以打开StringListEditor对话框,然后就可以在对话框中添加SQL语句。